Movies - Top 10 Reasons Why You Should See "Hot Fuzz" (2025)

Movies - Top 10 Reasons Why You Should See "Hot Fuzz" (1)Another Hot Fuzz article today; this one lists the top 10 reasons to see the movie. Now I'm seriously debating driving 2 hours to see this movie."If you are like me, then you don’t need many reasons to go see Hot Fuzz when it opens here in the states this weekend. If you are not like me, then I will be happy to provide you with 10 Good Reasons why you should go see Hot Fuzz this weekend. They are as follows:#10 - Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

2 Men, 1 reason. These guys are comedic dyn-o-mite! Ever since Shaun of the Dead became a cult classic, we have been waiting for these guys to pop up somewhere. And while they have both done other things, nothing has come close to the awesome nature of their performances in Shaun… until now.

#9 - Because Fracture is a HUGE Disappointment
How this film got a 75% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes so far is beyond me. I reviewed it, it stunk. Anthony Hopkins is significantly underused, Ryan Gosling is a bit overused and Director Gregory Hoblit made a film like this before, it was called Primal Fear. That was a good movie, this is not; giving you one less reason to see Fracture and one more to see Hot Fuzz.

#8 - Because they pay homage to Michael Bay and Point Break
Action junkies will love the subtle (and unsubtle) homages to action and fanboy flicks of old. There are copious amounts of Michael Bay references (especially Bad Boys 2) and some neat little references that you have to pay attention for (i.e. a He-Man reference and some old school video game sound effects just to keep you on your toes).

#7 - Because it is the Best Reviewed film of the Week
Of all the releases this week, the Tomato-meter score on Rotten Tomatoes shows Hot Fuzz at 88% Fresh, soundly defeating even Blades of Glory. How can you go wrong with those kinds of odds?

#6 - Because you are secretly a fan of Japanese Peace Lillies
This is another one of those classic Edgar Wright subtleties that will have you laughing at the movie hours after seeing it. Go see the movie, then you will understand the water lily joke.

#5 - Because I have not yet met someone who didn’t like Shaun of the Dead
Try this experiment — call everyone in your cell phone’s directory, ask them if they’ve seen Shaun of the Dead, then ask if they liked it. Chances are you will find that everyone who saw it at least liked it. That just goes to show that Director Edgar Wright can make a film that appeals to the masses…

#4 - Because you didn’t see Grindhouse
I know that America is slowly losing its taste for good movies, but come on people!? Grindhouse has already become the biggest cinematic tragedy of 2007 and it is only April. The online community really pushed hard for Grindhouse and it failed. We get it, though; it was 3 hours long and it was a niche film. Fuzz doesn’t have those problems. Don’t make us look like assholes twice in a row (well, 3 times if you count Snakes on a Plane).

#3 - So that Hot Fuzz doesn’t end up like Children of Men
So many great films die as limited releases. They miss their window of opportunity, fail to find the audience they deserve and are buried by their studio. Children of Men fell victim to this earlier in the year and we can’t let it happen to Hot Fuzz. And as my good friend Alex over at First Showing said, we cannot let Hot Fuzz get screwed like Children of Men.

#2 - Simon Pegg kicking an old lady in the Face is AWESOME!

Must I really explain this one? He kicks an old lady… in the FACE!

#1 - Because all of the best parts of the movie are not in the Trailer
For the first 20 minutes or so of the film you will find yourself saying, “Hey, that was in the trailer. So was that. And that. Isn’t there going to be anything new?” Then little do you know that the film explodes and takes on a new direction, leaving you laughing so hard that you may pee yourself. Just remember to bring a diaper…

If those reasons aren’t enough, then you may want to seek professional help… "


Movies - Top 10 Reasons Why You Should See "Hot Fuzz" (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.